Well, Buckos, we made it through another week. One step closer to spring. I'm looking forward to living like a human being again instead of like some mole-man. The sun hit my face two days ago and I had to scurry into a corner; and shield my eyes with the tattered rags I use for clothes while I'm burrowed under a dung heap for the the 9 months of winter here.

First up, the babe. It's an artsy fartsy photo of Eva Mendez in a Campri ad. Now, I really have no idea what Campri is, but I'll buy anything she's gonna slather all over her legs... which it looks like she's gonna do in this pic. Plus, it's about a million times more arousing to see how she, the dog, and the fireplace are so awesome and hot that the rest of the house got totally wiped out - and they're the last things standing! I know how it is though: having sex appeal stronger than a hurricane is both a blessing and a curse.

Next up, the beer. That would be the delicious-ey malt beverage I'm sampling right now: Sam Adams Boston Lager. Nothing fancy here Buckos... just a nice hoppy brew that'll get me to a nice warm place after about 4 more. It's a place I like to call "shit-tard-ville".

This week's joint is a relaxing little ditty which I think compliments the beautiful ladies above. It's called "Coming Home" by Alter Bridge. Cheers Buckos!