I'm not a big fan of torture. I once had a wicked hang nail that had me confessing shit to my cat that I didn't even do. But you can only go down the Epsom salt path so many times without relief before you start resorting to "alternative" methods. Anyway, here are the 9 songs that are blasted on prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, in Afghanistan, and in Iraq (in no particular order) to torture their sandy brown asses'. There's one thing I don't like about this list: only 9 songs. It's like having 19 hijackers - you know there's one more. Terrorists and torturers like even numbers. So what's the 10th song?!?! I bet it's some form of Christian rock. Whatever that last song is, torture rocks. Stay strong.

Drowning Pool - Bodies (Let The Bodies Hit The Floor).mp3

AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill (Live At Donnington) High Quality!!!.mp3

hells bells.mp3

Barney - I Love You.mp3

Born In The U.S.A. - Bruce Springsteen.mp3

David Gray - Babylon.mp3

Eminem - White America.mp3

Sesame Street - 1970's opening (show 2178).mp3

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