* health care is a limited resource. So, the question is: how should it be distributed?* people equate health care reform with them losing access to their doctor* Americans think we have the best health care in the world (actually we're 37th)* using the word "socialism" is the same as telling someone a "Yo mamma is so fat..." joke* bringing a loaded weapon to a town hall debate is like hooking electrodes to your bosses' testicles before having your yearly performance review
Like I said, I'm confused. But there was a guy on tv today who presented an argument on why health care should be 100% run by the government. And, I gotta say, he had some pretty good points. Yup. That's right. Socialism. One hundred percent government run... just like our banks and car companies. Stay strong... and healthy. (PS - I'll warn everyone right now, the video is 10 minutes long. But it's still pretty motherfuc*ing interesting).
Technorati Tags: health care, public option, private option, obamacare, town hall, debate, crapulosity, socialism, public option
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