And, I don't know about you, but I love me some ghetto when I listen to GNR. Here's the plan: you play the new Guns tune then scroll down and enjoy all the fresh ghetto-ness. Mmm... two great tastes that go great together. I'll apologize in advance for so many ghetto pictures but they're like potato chips for me. Once I have one I just can't stop. Jiminy Cricket!
Pregnant at the prom. Dreams do come true kids.
Not pregnant, yet still ghetto-fabulous.
I hate the Tigers.
Ghetto baby shower.
Ever feel like a kid in a candy store?
Ghetto-alien? I'm going with ghetto-tard. The hat is a dead giveaway.
I just threw up in my mouth.
Mmm... someone pinch me.
Someone's ready for a flood.
Oh the horror... the horror.
I'll bet you a million dollars there's a gold Egyptian pyramid emblazoned on the back of that robe.
Class with a capital "K"
Still haven't had enough ghetto goodness? Just go here you skeezer.
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