Ok, so I've been going to the gym and working out 5-7 days a week for the last 20 years. I've seen a lot of things done right and a lot of idiotic efforts. Here are 3 "laws" for getting into shape. They are foolproof.
1. Eat right. It's a cliche and no one wants to hear about it any more. But getting your body into good physical shape is about 85% good nutrition. I'm not gonna get into the whole wacky food pyramid thing, but if you're working out more than 3 times/week your daily diet should roughly include: carbohydrates 5-7 grams/kg of bodyweight; protien 0.8 grams/kg of bodyweight daily; fat 1 gram/kg of bodyweight daily.
Pound to kilogram conversion:
2. Know what you're doing. Get a set routine tailored to the goals you want to achieve. If you don't know how to do this, hire a trainer to get you started. Many trainers start at $20/hour and can give you a routine and show you how to properly use the weights in 1-2 sessions. It's more than worth it.
3. Most important --> be consistent. Unless you have a death in the family or a major catastrophic event (eg., hurricane, mudslide, personal scandal breaking on the local news) NEVER skip a day that you plan to work out. Go in especially when you don't feel like it.
So that's it Buckos. There's the great secret for getting in shape. This is what all those info-mercial gurus selling you bands and balls and diet pills are trying to get around doing. But unless the human DNA changes, these are the 3 things you're gonna need to get into shape. If you stick to this routine faithfully, no matter what, you WILL get into shape - GUARANTEED. Remember, the is no such thing as a "bad workout."