Tip o' the hat to all the fine gentlemen and fanciful ladies out there in the WTCCTR audience. The week is over and it didn't suck. A little work, a little beer, solved a few crimes, mastered the stop-a-fan-with-my-tongue trick - finally! One more trip to the emergency room and I would have won a free sponge bath. But that's not important now. Frothy nipples wait in the wings!
Ok, this is Hillary Fisher. She's a 24 year old Playboy model and student from Georgia. Aside from her obvious assets, she's pretty interesting: she's getting a degree in baking and pastry arts for the love of sweet pootietang... and her hero is Martha Stewart! Ain't that some shit. Hey Hillary, I'll have a muffin and two cupcakes! F-yeah baby... that's how I roll. More pics of her here.
The brew tonight is Arrogant Bastard Ale by Stone Brewery. It's made in California so I'm doing a review without actually having drank the damn beer. Like the entry I did for Westvleteren 12 , this is one musty maltey mother that's on my wish list. I'm trying to track it down through a local distributor but for tonight I'm going with Beer Advocate's A rating - "outstanding." Fucker.

The tune I'm hoping will blow your rectum out is called "Savior" by the band Skillet. Yet another Christian rock band for chrissakes. They're from Memphis, Tennessee. If I didn't know they were a rock band I'd say they played bluegrass or some kind of kumbaya crapola - they have that short-bus look in their eyes. But, hey, they've been around for awhile and even have a few Grammy nominations. Christian, recognized by the industry and yet, somehow, they manage not to suck balls. Huh.
That's all for now. Summer is winding down so enjoy the weekend - fart on the grill, cannon ball the public pool, and take hits off a bong carved out of your favorite fruit! I'm a big fan of pineapple. Stay strong Bitches.
Technorati Tags: babe, beer, tune, tits, hillary fisher, playboy, hawaiian tropic, 2007, arrogant bastard, skillet, savior, christian rock, balls across the nose
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