Ok Buckos, I'm back! And it's Friday! Sweet Mother Mary Mothball a la sphincters - its Friday!

Babe tonight is Jennifer Walcott. She was playmate of the month in August 2001. And she's WTCCTR Friday's babe in May 2008. I think we all know which one of those titles is going to give her career the bigger boost. Let me put it this way: Playboy is going to have to come up with more than 70 readers each week to compete with the WTCCTR juggernaut. Oh yeah, I ain't shittin' ya. Way more funner pics of Jennifer here.
The brew I'm soaking my pallette in at this writing is Yuengling Traditional Lager. It has a crisp, clean taste with a smooth finish. It's kinda heavy on the carbonation but is pretty friggin' delicioso if you ask me. It could also have something to do with the fact that it's ice cold and I've been breathing in insulation all day. But still a pretty solid brew. If you're looking to mix up your beer purchase I'd go for it. Remember it's extra good if you huff some insulation beforehand. Beer Advocate rates it as a B- ... "worthy." I'm cool with that.
Tunage tonight is from St. Louis rock band Modern Day Zero. The song is "Broken," which is a good description of my lungs right now. I mean, every time I take a deep breath a little puff of asbestos comes out my asshole, which totally isn't normal for me. Anyway, onto the tune.
Technorati Tags: jennifer walcott, playboy centerfold, yuengling, beer, boobs, modern day zero, broken, rock, st. louis, friday
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