There's a special place in hell for people who abuse children and animals. So, when we have a chance to catch one of these depraved bastards, I think everyone should do a little extra to try and bring the person to justice. Tonight is one of those times. Please watch the brief video below. Get a good look at the accused child abductor Rodney Stenger. If you see him skulking around your neighborhood call someone with a uniform and have this SOB brought to justice. I want hard time. That means no running wheel... er... exercise yard either. Just 24 hour lock down. Food pellets... er.. bread and water. And that's it.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009
Well, I'm still trying to build a ninja army. With the economy the way it is you'd think there'd be a lot of them looking for work, but I'll take a Chinese star to the eye if I can find any. I mean, how am I supposed to implement Operation Finger Bang without some stealthy Asians? ... What's Operation Finger Bang? you ask... Well, if you're not female and between the ages of 24 and 77 you really don't have to worry about it. If you are, just know that it takes ninjas. Lots of ninjas. And not the ass-clown kind like the guy below.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I'm not very musical. In fact, I once pulled my groin trying to hit a high note on a kazoo. The point being - I know I suck at music, so I don't attempt it. I leave it to people who have some kind of a musical talent. Just like I wouldn't expect some fruity oboe player to muscle in on my territory and all of a sudden be able to use a deft and charming wit to completely beguile all the women in a fifty foot radius so much that they can't help but start pawing at his pants. I mean, we all have our own little talents is what I'm basically getting at. So when I heard this band doing a rendition of 2001: A Space Odyssey I realized that their abilities also lie somewhere other than music. Like laying flat on their backs in an empty room and remaining completely still for as long as they can. Just a thought.
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Waking up is never a pleasant experience. I have my alarm sound set on bamboo whistle or some ridiculous soothing crap like that, and it's still pretty aggravating when it goes off at 6am. So I can't even imagine the terrible headache you must get when awoken by machine gun fire. I mean, it's gotta be 100% worse than opening your eyes and seeing a Cleveland steamer hatched on your chest... I'm just saying...
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The wise sage Whitney Houston once said, "Crack is wack." That kind of sweeping indictment - especially of something that has some obvious social benefits - has never set well with me. First, crack provides cocaine at an affordable price to working-class people. I mean, pure cut cocaine is insanely expensive. Even in our current recession the price is through the roof... uh... from what my friend tells me. Also, it helps curb appetite and promotes better eating habits in the form of smaller portions. Seriously. Who's got time to grocery shop when you're cruising street corners trying to track down a rock. And, lastly, it's a mind expanding drug that helps people see the bigger picture. Take tonight's featured person - Propecia. I'm sure before she started smoking crack that she wasn't very insightful into relationships or giving life advice. But, as you can see from this video, she's obviously been gifted with an amazing insight that's rare in our fast-paced, electronic age. Unfortunately, Proceia is dead now. A sensitive soul too delicate to cope with the cold day-to-day goings on in this topsy-turvy world. RIP crack ho. And stay strong.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Tonight, in honor of all the lounging around that goes on on Labor Day, I'm featuring a little musical interlude: Dick Cheese and his band, Lounge Against The Machine. They'll be doing a sublime cover of NIN's Closer. And it is glorious. In fact, I'm going out tomorrow at around... oh... 7am with my new Richard Cheese album and driving through all the terrible parts of town with the bass on '10' playing every. Single. Track. Two can play this game ghetto people!