So I get home and immediately try to find out how I can avoid and/or save money at the grocery store. Unfortunately all that came up were coupon web sites that asked you for your email, phone number, address, and whether or not you've done anal with a prostitue; before linking you up to coupons for Energizer hearing aid batteries and extra-absorbent tampons made out of mow hair or some shit. If you want to experience the insanity for yourself click here.
Then I click a link on what the world leaders (including good old Georgie W.) are dining on this week while discussing the world's food shortage problem:
Any more irony and my nipples would bleed ketchup.
So, where does that leave us? What's the moral of the story? I have no friggin' clue except to say that my deli department can kiss my roast-beefy bung hole; I hope each and every world leader at that conference gets a case of the "goby fish" Hershey squirts; and that masturbation is an awesome stress reliever. Stay strong Bitches.
Technorati Tags: babe, beer, tune, boobs, groceries, deli, douche bag, anal bleed, wigger
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