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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
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Monday, April 28, 2008
Say hey Buckos. Tonight I'm reviewing the website Mint.com. It's a free online service that will compile all your financial data automatically; and then put it in reports showing transactions, spending trends, and "ways to save." It's a great service for me because I tend to avoid looking at my financial situation in detail - it usually sends me into swirls of depression and terrific fits of incontinence. The catch: you have to provide them with access to all your accounts. That means giving them your checking account number, your ATM pin number, your credit card numbers, etc. The pucker factor with doing something like this is about 4000 on a scale from 1 to 10. So, being the canary in the coal mine, I did all this about 2 weeks ago to see how it would work. Would it track my finances or would my accounts get drained by some some pimply virgin living in Zimbabwe or some shit? So what happened.... ?
Technorati Tags: mint, online budget management, budgeting, financial, management, finances, boobs, beer
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Sunday, April 27, 2008
Howdy Ho Buckos. Tonight we're looking at increasing our manhood a little. Let's face it, modern society has most of us pretty pansy-ified. Four hundred years ago men were fighting each other with swords and battle axes. Fast forward to modern day when the closest many of us get to that is a little bit of road rage against the senior citizen who's driving 10mph below the posted limit. Fortunately, I've been able to stay in touch with my primordial machoness through exhaustive nun-chuck training and banging hot chicks. So follow me my Buckos, into the valley of testosterone and steel gonads; for the first in the "Man Series" - a re-education of what it means to be a red-blooded, blue-balled man.
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Saturday, April 26, 2008
Yeah, this crazy bastard is back. I posted another picture of him trying to blow off his weenis. I dunno... I'm going to go out on a limb and say he's single. It's a little hard for me to relate since I'm so devilishly handsome and sincere. Can someone please get this guy out of his house before he uses all the automatic weapons he's stock piling. You know, out for a coffee or something - but be sure to make it a decaf for chrissakes.
Technorati Tags: beer, boobs, babes, lethal, water
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Friday, April 25, 2008

Technorati Tags: lisa marie scott, playboy playmate, playmate, edgewater, michelob ultra amber, babes, boobs, tunes, summa cum laude
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
About every 10 to 15 days something will confirm I'm pretty much right on track with my thinking. Politics, religion, culture, thongs... I'm scary in touch with all that shit. So when I see a video like the one posted below it's like a familiar tap on the shoulder from God and he says, 'Right again kid.' This time I happen to be right about rap, and urban culture in general (e.g., baggy jeans, cockeyed baseball caps, ebonics). Mainly, that's it's a bunch of ridiculous crap - a "wack" banana peel under the foot of America. Check out the first minute or so of the video just to get the idea because watching the whole thing has been shown to induce severe mental assification.
Technorati Tags: smell your dick, dick, ali g, rap, boobs, beer
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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008
This is an old 911 call... but it tickles me every time. Now, I'm not sure what a bambulance is but I'm positive that this guy f*ing needs one. And, like Shakespeare, he goes on to ask the timeless question: who gets the deer... him or the dog? Get you some bambulance and deer my hard workin' brother. Buckle up Buckos!
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Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm not sure how many of you guys out there remember The Man Show (with Jimmy Kimmel and Adam Carolla). It was on from 1999-2003 and it was f*ing awesome. The show was, in a nutshell, about boobs, beer, and practical jokes. But like most things it got too good and so it had to be destroyed. Utterly and completely. Kimmel and Carolla both went on to watered-down shows of their own with watered down jokes and boring talk-show interviews. They probably got big paydays but - sweet Fanny Adams - can't they just pay 'em more to do the same show? Why is that a dumb idea? I'm assuming it's a dumb idea because TV executives get paid a lot more than I do to make those decisions... and in America the people who get paid more are smarter. I think it's in the Constitution... I'm pretty sure it is. Or in the Declaration of Independence... or the Louisiana Purchase... or some old timey document like that.
Technorati Tags: man show, man, show, jimmy kimmel, adam carolla, juggies, drunk, pilots, jokes, boobs, beer
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Sunday, April 20, 2008
The gas situation shows no sign of moving out of the "retarded" zone so today is another post on how to get the the most our of Mr. Gas pump (earlier post is here). As many of you know, I'm a crafty and fanciful gentleman so I'll be tackling the problem from both ends - the head and the ass... er... rear.... er... you know what I mean.
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Saturday, April 19, 2008
I don't know about you squirrely bastards, but I love violence. Organized violence, that is. And tonight is the UFC 83 on pay-per-view. I'm not going to give a lecture explaining mixed martial arts except to say that it rates extremely high on the awesomeness index. And tonight's main fight matches the rugged, athletic, gracious favorite - George St. Pierre - against the foul-mouthed, short, shit-sucking ghetto opponent - Matt Serra. And I'd give my left testicle and most of both nipples to see Serra win. Why? Because pretty boys always win. They always get the girl. They always come out on top. And any time someone can toss a turd in their eye or flick a booger on their face - that's the guy I'm rooting for.
Technorati Tags: ufc, knockout, st. pierre, serra, george, matt, mixed, martial, arts, mixed martial arts, beer, boobs
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Friday, April 18, 2008
Technorati Tags: rachelle leah, babe, beer, tune, magic hat no. 9, magic, hat, ordinary, the buzzhorn, love, napkin, Kleenex
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Thursday, April 17, 2008
Abbot and Costello. Peanut butter and jelly. Guns and whiskey. Sex and violence. Some things just go great together. And another great duo: prank calls and Star Trek. The Jerky Boys prank call a mining company and ask about digging up some dilithium crystals in Manhattan. But what they're really digging up is comedy gold. Gold I tell ya! Oh yeah, and as a bonus, I'm throwing in another Tom Mabe prank call on a telemarketer... because I'm good to you like a supple teat to a baby. Ok Buckos... buckle up for funny!
Technorati Tags: jerky, boys, tom mabe, prank, call, dilithium, crystals, star, trek
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sex. We all pay for it. Single, married, dating or time, money, and tears... we all pay... for the love of the sweet swinging christ. One time I even had to arm wrestle a guy and kick the shit out of a bunch of chickens just to get the chance to take a girl on a date. It was at a kind of weird time in my life when I was living on an indian reservation with a bunch of Hell's Angels... but that's a whole other story.
Technorati Tags: cost of sex, sex, laid, pay for sex, boobs, wife, girlfriend, vagina
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Today being tax day or, as i like to call it, "Cornhole Tuesday", I thought I'd continue the series "America: Freedom to Fascism". It's an 11 part series on YouTube that sets out asking the question, 'Is there a law requiring us to pay income taxes?' I don't want to ruin the ending but I will say the shock of it made me severely incontinent for days. I eventually regained sphincter control but not before ruining 3 pairs of goddam spiffy trousers, 2 pairs of socks, 1 right shoe, and a baseball cap (<-- that was a weird day). Yeah, it was explosive. If they'd made mud flaps for human assholes I would have been one happy clown-holed dungranger. But I've soldiered on since then and now I wear my rectum-riffic excesses as a badge of courage - a fecal warrior fighting injustice in a madcap world.
Technorati Tags: freedom, fascism, aaron ruso, taxes, incontinence, fecal, boobs
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Monday, April 14, 2008
Howdy ho Buckos! I'm back! I rolled back into town last night with a heart full of courage and a fresh case of genital warts, ready to tackle the week. But when I woke up this morning I had a horrible realization: taxes are due. And if any of you read my blog regularly, you know that taxes hurt my sphincter. So in celebration of tomorrow being tax day I thought we'd celebrate by seeing where some of our hard earned dollars are going.
Technorati Tags: marlboro marine, cost of iraq war, war, iraq, taxes, your share
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Friday, April 11, 2008
Ok, enough of the happy horseshit. The beer. St. Pauli Girl is a brew I haven't had since I was getting beat up for my lunch money... so I'm nostalgic about it. However, having it again so many years later made me wonder what the hell I was nostalgic about. It kind of tasted like yellow water. The best part of it was looking at the cartoon girl on the label. And don't pretend like you haven't gotten turned on by a cartoon before. Hell, I even thought Bugs Bunny was kind of sexy when he dressed up as a girl bunny to fool Elmer Fudd. Anyway, good old Beer Advocate agrees with me. They rate this Pauli chick a "C" (mediocre) based on 233 reviews.
Almost done Buckos. We're up to the musical portion of our program. On deck tonight is "Caught In The Rain" by Revis. Not only is it a nifty little number but it celebrates the continuous rainfall we get in April in New York. Yeah, it's great. Now, if you'll excuse me, I think my dingy is floating off. And I can't find my boat either.
Programming note: I have to get out of town for a few days... gotta lay low. I had a picture of Mohammed painted on the hood of my car and the Muslim community is giving me a hard time. I don't know what the big deal is... it's not even the prophet Mohammed. It's a picture of my buddy Mohammed Dingman. Cripes these religiousey types are sensitive. ANYWAY, I won't be updating the site again until MONDAY. In the meantime, face east and have a pork-free weekend you crazy bastards!
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Thursday, April 10, 2008
Technorati Tags: god, where's your god now
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Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Technorati Tags: ghetto, prom
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